her heart rate, breathing rate, blood pressure, and temperature have all been better and more stable today. her body swelling is going down now, too, so she's looking more like herself.
today anna's eyes have moved a bit under her eyelids. this is not voluntary movement and it doesn't mean she's waking up yet, but before, her eyes were totally still and unmoving. every little change seems like progress. she is, as i write, squirming a lot as she gets her teeth brushed.
today, anna's friend dan came to visit her. dan is probably anna's best friend and our whole family really loves him. he flew in this morning from portland to see her and could only get today and tomorrow off work. it was hard to watch dan see anna like this, but he was great. he held her hand and talked to her and visited with my parents and i for a few minutes. he'll come back to sit with her for a while tomorrow before he has to go back to oregon.
yesterday i went to mom's work and asked ann swanson if she'd organize some meals for our family so that my mom doesn't have to think about cooking for her and grama faye and so that my dad can keep working and coming up to the hospital each day. ann & all the ladies at the historical preservation office have done a great job with the "meal patrol" and we're really thankful. we are blessed to have such support. please keep the thoughts and prayers coming.
I would be happy to help in any way I can. If the ladies need a break, I would be happy to bring dinner or any other thing you all may need. I have a great picture of Anna and Suzi from my wedding, just let me know where to forward it. I think of Anna and you all many times through out the day, hang in there, she will win this fight!