Tuesday, September 8, 2009

physical therapy bit of good news

this morning anna had a physical therapy session like she does every morning now. these sessions keep her joints working, her body flexible, and also seem to be somewhat calming to anna. anna's heart rate has been high in the last few days because she's fighting some crud in her lungs that looks like it's turned into pneumonia (they're treating that and it's getting better). but when anna was having her phsyical therapy this morning, her heart rate went down and she seemed calmer.

then, during the activities, her therapist said she opened her left eye for the first time, along with her right -- just a little bit, but some. as i think i've said before here, anna's left side is coming along more slowly than the right, so this is great news.

but the best part is this: after anna's physical therapy session, she was sweating quite a bit, as she tends to do, and the physical therapist said "anna. if you want a washcloth on your forehead, blink your eyes for me." and she squinted really hard! not a total blink, because maybe that's too much for her yet, but the therapist said it was a purposeful looking, good, strong, squeezing squint.

marathon, marathon. this is slow. but little things are happening. she is resting and healing and fighting inside. every day i think i can't wait for a little good news, we get something to hold on to, to keep in mind as we hope and pray for her. come on anna. keeping waking, little girl. we don't care how slow you go. just keep on waking up. i can't wait to hear your voice and see you smile. we love you, boba.



1 comment:

  1. Oh! This is promising news! Good for Anna, I knew she was a fighter! I think of her often through out my day and I hope you all are taking care of yourselves too. I will continue to think good thoughts, I am hoping they help Anna, knowing so many love her!
    Sarah Rhodes-Yoast
